Between the State and the community
Hybrid agents in youth inclusion programs
State, community, street-level bureaucracies, youth, social programAbstract
The article addresses the governance of "at-risk" youth and the relationship between the State and the community through the study of street-level bureaucracies. Using as a paradigmatic case the figure of a state agent who implements a youth inclusion program in the same popular neighborhood of Buenos Aires (Argentina) where he resides, it addresses the hybrid nature of the State (Haney, 2010). Through a relational work that links everyday practices and moralities, the hybrid agent embodies a versatile model of governance through which he produces distinctions, hierarchies, and legitimacy towards his superiors, colleagues, and recipients. Territorial belonging, professionalism, and social, age-related, and gender-related closeness between agents and recipients combine and enable mobile positions that have effects on the inequalities of interaction. Furthermore, they configure particular understandings of the categories "life project," "autonomy," and "transition" central to programs aimed at poor youth. Qualitative data produced in a socio-anthropological research conducted in Buenos Aires, between 2016 and 2018, are analyzed.
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