The role of solitary confinement in maintaining prison order
Solitary confinement, prison order, Catalonia, ethnographyAbstract
The contribution aims to explore the strict relationship between the imposition of solitary confinement and the institutional need to maintain prison order. After a theoretical reflection from a socio-legal perspective on the concept of prison order, a selection of qualitative results of an ethnographic research started in 2018 in Catalan prisons will be proposed. The aim will then be to deconstruct the formal justifications of the isolation measures proposed by the institutional discourse, providing elements on the relevance that the policy of managing the risk of violent behaviour assumes in the imposition of solitary confinement. Subsequently, the impact of isolation measures on the daily lives of prisoners will be analysed, also addressing their perceptions. The aim is to clarify the real functions of solitary confinement and, in particular, to what extent and at what cost it contributes to the maintenance of order within the prison walls.
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