The Acceleration in the Number of Lawyers in Israel - What have Changed?
Legal profession, ethics behavior, disciplinary system, Abogacía, comportamiento ético, sistema disciplinarioAbstract
The legal profession in Israel has undergone many significant changes in response to the dramatic increase in the number of lawyers that, although emerging in 1995, still continues. The article reveals and discusses these changes which were first expressed within the profession itself - The profession became heterogeneous as it absorbed increasing numbers of minorities, new immigrants, and residents of the periphery, groups previously unable to gain admission into university law schools. Women's entry into the profession, a trend that began before 1995, has likewise intensified, so that women currently comprise 43% of all lawyers. Another influence is the rising educational level, with steadily mounting numbers of lawyers earning an MA since 1996. Another internal phenomenon, one quite predictable in saturated markets, is exit from the profession.
A separate chapter deals with the effects on legal practice. For example, the decline in legal fees and the creation of new specializations and sub specializations Some effects on legal practice are more difficult to ascribe exclusively to the dramatic rise in the number of lawyers; they should be attributed other factors. Still, the rise in the number of lawyers remains very meaningful. For example, broadening scope of litigation as well as the sharp rise in law firm size, particularly among Israel's largest firms.
Another chapter discusses the influence exerted by the increase in the number of lawyers on ethical behavior and disciplinary courts. Such influence was found to be weak or still inchoate.
La abogacía en Israel ha sufrido numerosos cambios en respuesta al dramático aumento en el número de abogados que, aunque incipiente en 1995, todavía continúa. El artículo revela y analiza estos cambios, que se expresaron en primer lugar dentro de la propia profesión. Así por ejemplo, la profesión se hizo heterogénea, ya que absorbió un número creciente de minorías, nuevos inmigrantes y residentes de la periferia.
Uno de los apartados trata los efectos sobre la práctica legal. Por ejemplo, la disminución de las tarifas legales. Es más difícil achacar exclusivamente al dramático aumento en el número de abogados algunos efectos sobre la práctica jurídica, sino que deben atribuirse a otros factores. Sin embargo, el aumento del número de abogados sigue siendo muy significativo.
Otro apartado analiza la influencia ejercida por el aumento en el número de abogados sobre el comportamiento ético y los tribunales disciplinarios, y se ha descubierto que esta influencia es todavía débil o incipiente.
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