Right to family lives and stepparent adoption in Chile
A view from socioaffectiveness
Family lives, stepparent adoption, socioaffectivenessAbstract
The various family forms present in our societies impose on the Law the challenge of making them visible in recognition of the essential prerogatives of their members, particularly, sons and daughters as children and adolescents. Among these, those that find their substrate, beyond the biological nexus, in the socio-affective component, become relevant when it comes to recognizing the right to family lives, to personal identity and the way through which the system grants them due legal framework. This work, taking into consideration contributions from various systems, aims to analyze the Chilean situation by critically observing the institute of step parent adoption; review provisions currently incorporated in the regulations that express, to some extent, dimensions of socioaffectiveness in de facto filial relationships; and, finally, examine certain jurisprudential trends in the same sense, using for this purpose the dogmatic method typical of legal science in a task of description, exegesis and systematization.
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