A place-based approach in collaborative governance





Collaborative governance, place-based, collaboration, governance, action research


Collaborative governance is a broad concept that includes many forms of collaborative arrangements among various actors that differ in their nature, objectives, and types of interactions. This article empirically illustrates how, despite being understudied in the literature on collaborative governance, the “place” dimension (used here to refer to territory as a collective subject) can serve as a backbone that provides a distinctive logic and dynamic, bringing about a specific collaborative governance model — one that is especially relevant in the context of collaborative initiatives by regional governments. We describe a series of necessary features for place-based dynamics to emerge. The article seeks to share a conceptual framework that distinguishes between government-centred and place-based approaches to collaborative governance which can be used as a reflective tool for facilitators of collaborative governance. The framework relies on two empirical cases employed to illustrate its application.



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Author Biographies

Miren Larrea, Orkestra (Basque Institute of Competitiveness)

Miren Larrea (corresponding author) is a senior researcher at Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness and editor-in-chief of International Journal of Action Research. She is an experienced facilitator of action research processes for territorial development. Contact details: Orkestra- Basque Institute of Competitiveness. Email address: miren.larrea@orkestra.deusto.es

Ainhoa Arrona, Orkestra (Basque Institute of Competitiveness)

Ainhoa Arrona is a researcher at Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness. Her research interests focus on research–policy interaction, action research, public policy, territorial strategies, and governance for regional development. Contact details: Orkestra- Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Mundaiz 50, 20012 Donostia. Email address: ainhoa.arrona@orkestra.deusto.es

Xabier Barandiaran, University of Deusto

Xabier Barandiaran holds a PhD in Sociology and is an Associate Professor at the University of Deusto. His publications focus on political innovation, governance, and social capital. Contact details: University of Deusto, Mundaiz 50, 20012 Donostia. Email address: xabier.barandiaran@deusto.es


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How to Cite

Larrea, M., Arrona, A. and Barandiaran, X. (2024) “A place-based approach in collaborative governance”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 14(4), pp. 983–1006. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl.1892.