Participatory embeddedness and democratic deepening

Feminist Subaltern Counterpublics




Participatory embeddedness, Feminist Subaltern Counterpublics, democratic deepening


The objective of this research is to analyze how participatory embeddedness through Feminist Subaltern Counterpublics is related to democratic deepening. To this end, two cases have been selected in the towns of Ripollet (Catalonia) and Etxebarri (Basque Country) developing a multi-method design that triangulates interviews, a direct observation and a discussion group. After applying a cross-case analysis, the findings reveal how the practical and spatial dimensions produce temporary rooting oriented towards democratic deepening from a gender perspective. Firstly, the dissolution of the public/private tension leads to inclusive practices and –therefore– to the politicization of subjects and problems previously excluded from the public sphere. Secondly, the institutionalization processes of social movements can favor spaces of hybridization where the concerns of the subalternized are mobilized in order to –thirdly– be transformed into public policies sustained over time.



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Author Biography

Miriam Ureta García, UPV/EHU

Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of the Basque Country. Email address:


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How to Cite

Ureta García, M. (2024) “Participatory embeddedness and democratic deepening: Feminist Subaltern Counterpublics ”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 14(4), pp. 1104–1125. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl.1887.