Voices of Villa Hermosa: impact of collective demobilizations and reinsertions of former paramilitary members on the inhabitants of the Comuna 8 of Medellín
Paramilitarism, demobilization, reinsertion, disarmament, legal pluralism, interlegality, State LawAbstract
The purpose of this research is to identify the impact that the reinsertion into society of former Colombian paramilitary members has had on the normative plurality existing in one urban settlement of Medellín known as “Comuna 8”. This study refers to paramilitarism as contra insurgent organizations associated with organized crime, and by demobilization it refers to the process by which members of Illegal Armed Organized Groups disarmed and reintegrated to civil life. The aspects explored are the social context of the Comuna 8, the Desarmament, Demobilization and Reinsertion process (DDR), and finally the changes that this reinsertion process had on some forms of expression in the comuna. The study uses Documentary Analysis using primary and secondary data, focusing on testimonies from members of the community, governmental and nongovernmental research reports, municipal legislation, and governmental statistics. This research shows how the inhabitants of the Comuna 8 further expressed their unconformities after demobilization, and analyses why different channels of expression were opened.
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