Inapplicability of the unwilling or unable doctrine in the fight against terrorism: A manifestation of Hegemonic International Law




Unwilling or unable, international terrorism, self-defence, use of force


The emergence of Daesh prompted some States to relaunch the doctrine that would allow the application of self-defence against a non-State actor when the State in which the group is located is unwilling or unable to combat it. Using a classical legal methodology that studies the sources of international law, jurisprudence and the most relevant doctrinal contributions with a critical socio-legal approach, we analyse the lawfulness of this doctrine and its implications in the understanding of international law. We will determine that it is an ambiguous and arbitrary doctrine that does not have sufficient state support to become law and that contravenes the principle of territorial integrity and state sovereignty, as well as the rules of international responsibility of the state. The thesis reflects the pretension of promoting a hegemonic international law.


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Author Biography

Aritz Obregón Fernández, UPV/EHU

Aritz Obregón Fernández. Doctor en Derecho internacional por la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea con una tesis doctoral sobre la noción de terrorismo internacional y la afección de la lucha armada contra este fenómeno al principio de prohibición de la amenaza o uso de la fuerza. Dirección de email: /


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27-07-2023 — Updated on 03-10-2023

How to Cite

Obregón Fernández, A. (2023) “Inapplicability of the unwilling or unable doctrine in the fight against terrorism: A manifestation of Hegemonic International Law”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13(5), pp. 1783–1816. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl.1786.