Weakening constitutional rules through anti-corruption and impunity discourses: Analyzing the impact of the “Operação Lava-jato” (Car Wash Operation) on the presumption of innocence in Brazil





Strategic communication, judicial influence, Car Wash Operation


We use a sociolegal perspective to critically analyze how narratives supporting the need to reduce and punish corruption in Brazil, particularly the ones deployed in the course of the Car Wash Operation (CWO), influenced the weakening of the presumption of innocence rule. Originally deployed to investigate a criminal organization using a network of gas stations and car wash companies to “clean” illicit resources, the CWO was rapidly transformed in a major law enforcement operation, and it was used to unravel endemic corruption found in private and state-owned companies. Using a variety of communication resources, the Prosecutor office in charge of the operation developed a set of strategic tactics to promote the discourse that the rule of presumption of innocence was one of the main motives behind the high levels of corruption and impunity in Brazil. This narrative influenced the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court during the judgment of the case involving Brazilian former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The social pressure caused by the use of strategic communication tools were crucial to lead the court to overrule the meaning of presumption of innocence. The paper examines how these tools were able to promote social traction and how they can be used to influence and shape the meaning and effectiveness of legal rules.



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Author Biographies

João Araújo Monteiro Neto, University of Fortaleza

João Araújo Monteiro Neto, Universidade de Fortaleza, Brazil. Email: joaoneto@unifor.br

Nestor Eduardo Araruna Santiago, University of Fortaleza/Federal University of Ceará

Nestor Eduardo Araruna Santiago, Universidade de Fortaleza/Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil. Email: nestorsantiago@unifor.br


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How to Cite

Neto, J. A. M. and Santiago, N. E. A. (2024) “Weakening constitutional rules through anti-corruption and impunity discourses: Analyzing the impact of the ‘Operação Lava-jato’ (Car Wash Operation) on the presumption of innocence in Brazil”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 14(1), pp. 56–75. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl.1675.