The privilege of accessing digital cultural content: A qualitative study on the experiences of ethnic and migrants of the European Union




Cultural rights, oppression, migration, ethnic minorities, democratization of culture, equality


Migrants and persons belonging to ethnic minorities within the European Union are subject to unique forms of discrimination and the barriers they face in their civil and social rights, causes an increasing restriction of the enjoyment of culture. The access and right to culture in the digital age is cracking between privileged and disadvantaged groups. This paper explores the barriers that impact these two communities on the access to digital cultural goods. This research is illustrated through reference to a qualitative study in 12 jurisdictions of the European Union.


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Author Biography

Maria Laura Serra, Universidad de Valladolid

Investigadora Postdoctoral María Zambrano. Departamento de Derecho Civil, GIR Derecho de Familia y Derechos Humanos. Plaza de la Universidad, s/n, 47002 - Valladolid (España). Email:


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10-05-2023 — Updated on 03-10-2023

How to Cite

Serra, M. L. (2023) “The privilege of accessing digital cultural content: A qualitative study on the experiences of ethnic and migrants of the European Union”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13(5), pp. 1646–1671. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1401.