Lazy data? Using administrative records in research on judicial systems
administrative records, courts, empirical research, government agencies, judgesAbstract
Social science research on courts and judges requires data that are typically generated through interviews, observation, or surveys for the purpose of answering specific research questions posed by the researcher. However, traditional methods of data collection are not always feasible. As an alternative, this paper examines the use of administrative data, which have been collected for non-research purposes, in judicial research. Using research undertaken by the author in Australia over the past decade as case studies, the paper examines potential sources of administrative data on courts and judges, how they can be acquired, and the uses to which they can be put. The paper then assesses the advantages and disadvantages of using administrative data, which vary substantially according to the data source. The paper concludes by agreeing with Babbie (2020) that ‘with so much data already collected, the lack of funds to support expensive data collection is no reason for not doing good and useful social research’ on judicial systems.
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