(Global) Democracy: Present and perspectives
Democracy, globalization, human rights, perspectives, democracia, globalización, derechos humanos, perspectivasAbstract
The text investigates the use of the concept of democracy in current times, particularly in its versions that associate it with its implementation in the global sphere. It starts from the question about the possibility of "talking" about democracy in certain conditions and circumstances and its confrontation with the reality. It is from a specific event that was the coup d'état that took place in Bolivia in 2019 -not recognized as such by a large part of the international community and academia- that the author analyzes the possibilities and perspectives of implementing a democratic system at the planetary. From the current reality, with the exceptional Covid-19 pandemic that has conditioned many aspects and with the stable neoliberalism that dominates the planet, the article analyses the conditions to achieve societies -in various fields- with higher levels of participation and equality that are the essential elements to characterize those societies to be considered as democratic.
Global Statistics ℹ️
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