Stereotypes as mechanisms of inequality and alienation

A view from antidiscrimination law




Stereotypes, generalisations, heterodesignation, structural inequality, European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)


Stereotypes have received increasing attention in human rights legal scholarship as a form of discrimination. It has been noted that stereotypes imply generalizations that, in certain circumstances, obscure the subjects individually considered and, through a process of heterodesignation, essentialize their characteristics and behavior in a constitutive and regulatory way. Stereotypes are, therefore, the cause and consequence of a process of subordination that fixes the identities and status of disadvantaged groups. The discriminatory damage of stereotypes is associated, therefore, with the denial of the individuality and complexity of the subject, which can prevent the free exercise of autonomy and the access or guarantee of rights. This work examines these processes of heterodesignation and the collective dimensions of the damage from a structural perspective, through the analysis of a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights.


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Author Biography

Dolores Morondo, University of Deusto

Dolores Morondo Taramundi, Universidad de Deusto. Dirección de email:


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How to Cite

Morondo, D. (2023) “Stereotypes as mechanisms of inequality and alienation: A view from antidiscrimination law”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13(3), pp. 710–729. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1381.