LGBTQIA+ asylum: From recognition to data provision in Brazil




LGBTQIA , asylum, the Yogyakarta Principles, UNCHR, human rights, asilo, principios de Yogyakarta, ACNUR, derechos humanos


LGBTQIA+ asylum is a reality in Brazil, although it is not expressly included in the convention. Starting with historical research, the article shows how LGBTQIA+ asylum has been consolidated in International Law and, specifically in Brazil, as a country where there are also cases of homophobia and transphobia, LGBTQIA+ asylum is guaranteed, even if the information requested from the Federal Police and the National Committee for Refugees from Brazil do not currently indicate whether the number of concessions specifically for these groups has increased or decreased. Addressing the cliquet effect, it demonstrates the impossibility of retroaction in terms of Human Rights, preventing the denial of the granting of asylum in Brazil to this people, which is the distinctive focus of the research. The deductive method, combined with qualitative analysis of primary sources, such as official documents, and bibliographical sources were used to achieve the results.

El asilo LGBTQIA+ es una realidad en Brasil, aunque no esté expresamente incluido en la convención. Partiendo de una investigación histórica, el artículo muestra cómo el asilo LGBTQIA+ se ha consolidado en el Derecho Internacional y, específicamente en Brasil, como país donde también se dan casos de homofobia y transfobia, el asilo LGBTQIA+ está garantizado, aunque las informaciones solicitadas a la Policía Federal y al Comité Nacional de Refugiados de Brasil no indican actualmente si el número de concesiones específicamente para estos grupos ha aumentado o disminuido. Abordando el efecto cliquet, se demuestra la imposibilidad de retroacción en términos de Derechos Humanos, impidiendo la negación de la concesión de asilo en Brasil a este pueblo, que es el foco distintivo de la investigación. Para alcanzar los resultados se utilizó el método deductivo, combinado con el análisis cualitativo de fuentes primarias, como documentos oficiales, y fuentes bibliográficas.

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Author Biographies

Felipe Nicolau Pimentel Alamino, University of Sao Paulo (USP)

Doctor in International Law at the University of São Paulo – USP. Specialist in International Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUCSP. Member of the Research Group CEPIM-USP - Center for Studies on the International Protection of Minorities of the University of São Paulo and Co-organizer of the Permanent Forum on Genocide and Crimes against Humanity (USP). E-mail:

Izabela Zonato Villas Boas, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

PhD's student and Master in Political and Economic Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Master by the International Institute of Legal Sociology in Oñati (Spain). Lato Sensu Postgraduate in Constitutional and Administrative Law at Escola Paulista de Direito. Graduated in Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Member of the Research Groups “Research Center on International Protection of Minorities” from the University of São Paulo and “Public Policies as an instrument for effectiving Citizenship” and “Public Safety and Citizenship” both from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Member of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law.  E-mail:


09-12-2022 — Updated on 01-04-2023

How to Cite

Nicolau Pimentel Alamino, F. and Zonato Villas Boas, I. (2023) “LGBTQIA+ asylum: From recognition to data provision in Brazil”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13(2), pp. 563–588. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1369.