Reflections on some major changes in socio-legal studies (1989-2020)


  • Vincenzo Ferrari Emeritus Professor, Università di Milano


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Author Biography

Vincenzo Ferrari, Emeritus Professor, Università di Milano

Vincenzo Ferrari won a “doctoral” law degree from Milan University in 1962, has been a practising lawyer in Milan ever since and served as a lay magistrate in a country court of Northern Italy for fifteen years in the past. A disciple of Renato Treves, he was assistant to his supervisor’s chair, then lecturer and later professor in Sociology of Law in Cagliari University (1973-1983) and Bologna University (1983-1990), before returning to Milan university in late 1990. There, he was head of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Law and, from 2000 to 2006, dean of the Law Faculty. Between 2004 and 2006 he chaired the Italian Conference of Law Faculty Deans. He is currently emeritus professor of Milan University and president of its Committee of Ethics.

Professor Ferrari has been lecturer or visiting professor in a number of Italian and foreign universities. He is honorary professor of Universidad Externado de Colombia.and of the Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas. He has been an active member of the ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Law for years, as a board member since 1978, vice-president (1982-1990) and president (1990-1994), and was also a member of the ISA Executive Committee from 1994 to 2002. He served as member of the Board of Directors of the IISL from 1989 to 2002. He was Scientific Director of the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law from 2016 to 2018.

Professor Ferrari’s scientific interests range from socio-legal theory to more detailed topics, such as human rights, labour relations, communal rights and collective and Ratio Juris, and author of a wide number of works, among them Funzioni del diritto (1987, Spanish edition, Funciones del Derecho, 1989, Greek edition, Leitourgies to Dikaiou, 1992), Lineamenti di sociologia del diritto. Azione giuridica e sistema normativo (1997, Spanish edition, Acción jurídica y sistema normativo. Introducción a la sociología del Derecho, 2000), Diritto e società (2004, Spanish edition, Derecho y sociedad, 2006), Prima lezione di sociologia del diritto (2010). He has been editor of a Italian edition of H. Sumner Maine’s Ancient Law (Diritto antico, 1998) and Gregorio Peces-Barba's Teoria dei diritti fondamentali (1993).



How to Cite

Ferrari, V. (2022) “Reflections on some major changes in socio-legal studies (1989-2020)”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 12(S1), pp. S132-S143. Available at: (Accessed: 6 February 2025).



Institutional Memory Papers I: 1989–2021