Some notes on Professor Manuel Calvo’s contribution to the introduction and consolidation of Sociology of Law in Spain
Manuel Calvo, sociology of law, socio-legal research, gender violenceAbstract
In this article in homage to the figure of the Professor of Philosophy of Law and Sociology of Law Manuel Calvo Garcia from University of Zaragoza, some notes and considerations are made about his contribution to the introduction and consolidation of Sociology of Law in Spain. First, some aspects are pointed out about his theoretical contributions on the nature and role of Sociology of Law in Oñati in the study and analysis of law as a social phenomenon. Then, some of his contributions in the field are described from two institutional and academic spaces: The International Institute for the Sociology of Law and the Laboratory of Sociology of Law in the University of Zaragoza. Finally, some aspects of his body of work are analyzed, both from a theoretical and an empirical point of view, in relation to gender violence that exemplify his conception of a critical and transformative Sociology of Law.
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