“The body says: I am a party”
The (im)possibility of regulating the body by law
Body, law, woman, regulation, sexualityAbstract
The rationalism of the seventeenth century inaugurated a new way of thinking to establish that access to the world occurred through rationality. The individualist conception of society that emerged from the eighteenth century, despite having placed the subject in the center, made it from its psychic dimension, relegating the biological body to the second place. In the twentieth century however, Freud recalls the theme of the body to enter again the individual in his materialistic body. Therefore, it was restored and deepened the theme of meat, carcass, organic and biological body. Thus, the present study aims, from the hypothetical-deductive method, to analyze the (im)possibility of body regulation, especially the female one, by the contemporary law, and its practical implications for women to, in the end, conclude that the body and their narratives are at the root of inequality and gender oppression.
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