Everyday (in)security and transnational family relationships in the lives of young forced migrants
Everyday security, unaccompanied minors, family reunification, transnational familyAbstract
This article examines how the (in)security of transnational family members influence the sense of security of young migrants who have initially moved to Finland as unaccompanied minors. The concept of everyday security sheds light on the everyday lives of people who are often presented as a threat in mainstream media and discourses. The data consists of interviews with sixteen young forced migrants who are attempting to bring family members to the country via family reunification. The results show that securities and insecurities narrated by the interviewees in relation to transnational family are material, interpersonal and existential. Material securities include the embodied symptoms of stress and relief and different economic circumstances. Interpersonal securities manifest through comparing one’s situation to others. Existential (in)securities are related to a sense of continuity and predictability. The results show that supporting family life through policy and welfare practices is important for young migrants’ well-being.
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