When people become "merchandise"
Legal responses to fight in favor of the victims and against the mafias that traffic in the Mediterranean Sea
Victim, organized crime, people smuggling, trafficking on human beings, Mediterranean SeaAbstract
Thousands of people risk their lives to cross the Mediterranean Sea towards an uncertain but promising future. In their journey, they are at the mercy of the organized groups who consider them no more than merchandise from which they can obtain a benefit... or two: one from the person or their relatives for reaching the old continent and one from their exploitation. This “use” of them makes the thin line that separates smuggling from the crime of trafficking in human beings blur if not disappear. Given this reality, the article proposes to focus the persecution on the mafias that have made a profit with their exploitation. With this, perhaps it is possible to fight in a more efficient way and in any case, at least a more dignified and humane treatment would be ensured to people who have suffered the scorn of not being considered or treated as what they are, human beings.
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