Ibadism and law in historical contexts


  • Knut S. Vikør University of Bergen




Ibāḍī law, Oman, Algeria, Sharīʿa


Not Sunnis and not Shi’is, the Ibāḍī Muslims of Oman and some areas of North Africa form a “third branch” of Islam, with their own version of the Sharīʿa law. The development of this law displays many interconnections with the political history of the Ibāḍīs, which spanned from an independent sultanate in Oman, through minority status under Sunni rule in Tunisia and Libya, to isolated desert communities in Algerian Sahara. This article gives an overview over such interconnections between the political (state authority) and the legal, through history and in contemporary North Africa, with some examples of legal discussions from the “Ibāḍī renaissance” (nahḍa) in the twentieth-century Saharan oasis of Mzab.


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How to Cite

Vikor, K. S. (2020) “Ibadism and law in historical contexts”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 10(5), pp. 960–984. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1155.