The Politics of Austerity as Politics of Law


  • António Casimiro Ferreira University of Coimbra Faculty of Economics and Centre for Social Studies


Austerity, law, politics, austeridad, derecho, política


Since 1980 the neoliberal agenda has become the strongest advocate against social and labour rights. However, the 2008 crisis emerged a new economic, political and juridical model based on the idea of austerity - a muscled form of neoliberalism which deepens the neoliberal ideology by other means. Bearing this in mind, I have chosen to organise this paper around three topics. In the first section, my purpose is to suggest that, in addition to the obvious economic and financial aspects of the austerity model, there is also a social model of reality that must be characterised sociologically. In the second, assuming that to a certain concept of law there is a certain concept of society, I state that to the austerity society correspond a certain type of law and politics. Finally, I identify four possible paths of developing research and action programmes for sociology of the law of austerity.

Desde 1980, el programa neoliberal se ha convertido en el mayor partidario contra los derechos sociales y laborales. Sin embargo, la crisis de 2008 dio lugar a un nuevo modelo económico, político y jurídico basado en la idea de austeridad -una forma fortalecida del neoliberalismo que acentúa la ideología neoliberal por otros medios-.Teniendo esto en mente, este trabajo se ha organizado en torno a tres temas. En la primera sección, se pretende sugerir que, además de los aspectos económicos y financieros evidentes del modelo de austeridad, hay también un modelo social de realidad que hay que caracterizar sociológicamente. En la segunda, partiendo de que un determinado concepto de derecho está relacionado con una determinada concepción de sociedad, se defiende que la sociedad de la austeridad se corresponde con un determinado tipo de derecho y política. Por último, se identifican cuatro posibles vías de desarrollo de programas de investigación y acción para la sociología jurídica de la austeridad.



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Author Biography

António Casimiro Ferreira, University of Coimbra Faculty of Economics and Centre for Social Studies

António Casimiro Ferreira is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies. He is also an assistant professor in Sociology at the University of Coimbra, Faculty of Economics, where he teaches both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, in the 1st cycle of studies in Sociology and in the M.A. and PhD programmes. Casimiro Ferreira is also scientific co-Coordinator of the PhD Program "Law, Justice and Citizenship in 21st century". Faculty of Economics of University of Coimbra, Av. Dr. Dias da Silva 165, 3004-512 Coimbra. Portugal.




How to Cite

Ferreira, A. C. (2014) “The Politics of Austerity as Politics of Law”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 6(3), pp. 496–519. Available at: (Accessed: 3 March 2025).