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Vadasaria, Shaira, School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh
Vadi, Valentina Sara, Lecturer in International Law (Maastricht University), PhD (European University Institute), M. Res (EUI) M. Jur (Oxon) J.D and M. Pol. Sc. (Siena)
Valderhaug, Sigrun L., Lancaster University Law School
Valdés Martínez, María del Carmen
Valdés Martínez, María del Carmen, Universidad Veracruzana
Valencia Mesa, David Enrique, Universidad de Antioquia
Valencia Mesa, David Enrique, UPV-EHU/Universidad de Antioquia (Spain)
van den Berg, Dion
van der Borgh, Chris, Centre for Conflict Studies, Utrecht University, Netherlands
van der Pas, Kris, Radboud University
van Dijk, Frans, Utrecht University/European Network of Councils for the Judiciary/Netherlands Council for the Judiciary
Van Harten, Gus, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School of York University
van Klink, Bart, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
van Niekerk, Taryn Jill, University of Cape Town
van Rossum, Wibo, Utrecht University
Varela Pino, Patricia
Varela-Rey, Ana, University of Barcelona
Vargas Ugalde, Johanna, Universidad Central de Chile
Varona, Gema, Permanent researcher at the Basque Institute of Criminology
Varona Martínez, Gema, University of the Basque Country

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