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Stone Sweet, Alec, Yale University
Storgaard, Anette, Aarhus University
Storgaard, Asbjørn, The School of Social Work, Lund University
Strandberg Hassellind, Filip, Department of Law, University of Gothenburg
Strickland, James, Edith Cowan University
Struelens, Olivier, Catholic University of Louvain
Strzelecka, Ewa K.
Stubbs, Julie, University of New South Wales
Stuckenberg, Carl-Friedrich, Universität Bonn
Stys, Jeffrey J, Strategic Decision Associates
Suarez, Marcial A. G., Universidade Federal Fluminense, UFF
Subijana Zunzunegi, Ignacio José, Audiencia Provincial de Gipuzkoa
Sucozhañay Calle, Dolores Catalina, DIEP Universidad de Cuenca, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
Sun, Lisa Grow, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University
Sung, Sirin, Queens University Belfast
Sunnqvist, Martin, Lund University
Svensson, Kerstin, School of Social Work, Lund University
Swennen, Frederik, University of Antwerp
Sylvestre, Marie-Eve, University of Ottawa
Szerletics, Antal, National University of Public Service

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